About 2016 IFEDC



• Mission and Conference Profile

• Organizers

• Executors

• Technical Program Committee

• Conduct Committee

Mission and Conference Profile  
The International Fields Exploration and Development Conference (IFEDC) is designed for experts, engineers and geologists as well as executives from oil companies, service companies and academia who are interested in developing a cross-disciplinary perspective on increasingly complex oil and gas projects connected with exploration and development.
The 2016 IFEDCwill bring together leading experts in each of these areas to examine the challenges and explore the potential for change at a single event for a transformative learning opportunity. Now more than ever, it is imperative that organizations learn how world-class technologies can help turn change and complexity into advantages. Formal presentations and panel discussions will provide conference participants with a unique opportunity to engage with the leaders and engineers in these fields and explore ideas and solutions.

The theme of this year’s conference is“Sustaining and Catching the Next Opportunity for the Oil & Gas Industry”.The conference addresses the application of the exploration and development technology from around the world.

The world is facing growing demand for hydrocarbon based energy like has never been seen before. Global energy consumption has grown about 45% over the past 20 years, and it is expected to grow another 39% over the next 20 years. Difficult produced oil and gas accounts for nearly half of the increase in global oil and gas production within future 30 years, with most of the increase coming from China, the United States and Australia. But the difficult produced oil and gas business is still in its formative years, with uncertainty in many countries about the extent and quality of the resource base and concerns about the environmental impact of production.

The development of unconventional oil and gas in the region is going to be a challenge when compared to conventional oil and gas. The development of unconventional oil and gas is not only a subsurface resource developing challenge, but one that represents complexity in every aspect of the resource contracting, commercializing, and sale chain. The extraction of this oil and gas is usually associated with drilling and completion, reservoir description and dynamic analysis, production operation, hydraulic fracturing, reservoir and well monitoring technology.

The 2016 IFEDC offers executive and technical sessions that discuss strategies to help extract maximum value from exploration and development—to clearly understand the impact of technical risk and improve the quality of your results.

Conference Paper Publication and Documentation


Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. All papers presented at the conference will be reviewed by the IET (THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, UK) in consideration for publication. Those that meet the expected levels of quality and technical content will be accepted for publication on the IET Digital Library and IEEE Xplore, indexed by IET Inspec and submitted to EI Compendex for consideration for indexing. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their abstracts and papers electronically by email to: info@ifedc.org.

About Conference Presentation


Except the keynote session, selected presentations will be scheduled for the appropriate sessions at the 2016 IFEDC. Each presentation based on the papers should be 20 minutes with a brief question and answer period. Exceptionally, a few main topic presentations will be chosen for 30 minutes to make presentations. Abstracts are limited to 300 words. Presentations will be compiled and provided to attendees in electronic format at the close of 2016 IFEDC.  
Poster Solicitation and Information


The poster presentation session is the important part of this Conference. The poster session is scheduled from 9:30 a.m. –17:00 p.m on August 11th, 2016. Poster application must be submitted by: July 20th, 2016, and Poster materials must be submitted by: July 31st, 2016.  
Poster Presentations on both research and field experience are solicited and presentation of unconfirmed or partial results is encouraged. Poster presentation that you submit to the Conference should be prepared in English. Posters will be on display for the entire Conference period.  
The commercial poster display is not allowed. the Conference Program Committee will review all posters prior to display, and reserves the right to refuse permission to display any poster considered by the committee to be commercial in nature. The poster should be prepared in a way with a brief abstract, title, presenter, affiliation, address, and phone number.  
About Beijing
About the Venue


To reserve it to be consistent with conference objectives, commercialism in presentations will not be permitted. Company logos should be used only to indicate the affiliation of the presenters.  


Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Conduct Committee encourages attendance from those who can contribute to the meeting most effectively either in discussions or with posters. Attendees from different geographic origins and companies will be encouraged.



Visa requirements for China can differ from country to country. Contact your nearest Chinese Embassy for more information.  
Those who request official invitations for visa application are required to fill in relevant details in registration form. Upon requests, official invitation letters will be issued and sent by fax or E-mail.  
Conference Language


Attendees will be provided bilingual service – English and Chinese – at working time. Simultaneous interpretation will be arranged during conference period.



Xi’an Shiyou University
Shaanxi Petroleum Society

Student Academic Activities: Xi'an Shiyou University SPE Student Chapter



MOE Engineering Research Center On Western Tight / Ultra-Tight
Reservoir Development and Intervention
Beijing China SPE Section
Northern China International SPE Section
SPE Student Chapter of the Major Research Institutions and Universities
Xi’an Sinoline Petroleum Science & Technology Co.,Ltd



College of Petroleum Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University

Technical Program Committee







Deli Gao

China University of Petroleum(Beijing)


Zhan Qu  

Xi’an Shiyou University


Tianzhi Tang

China petroleum group logging co., LTD

Reservoir Surveillance and Management





Yongle Hu



Guoxin Li

PetroChina Exploration & Production Company

Unconventional Resources Development





Bingyu Ji

Sinopec Exploration and Development Institute


Peihua Zhao

PetroChina Coalbed Methane Company

Pipeline Monitoring and Management





Jing Gong

China University of Petroleum(Beijing))


Shouxi Wang

Xi’an Shiyou University

Members(According to the Phonetic Sequence)

Dezhi Bian

CNPC Overseas Exploration and Development Company

Shiqing Cheng

China University of Petroleum(Beijing)

Junbin Chen

Xi’an Shiyou University

Shuyi Feng

CNPC Daqing Oilfield Testing Ltd.

Jiyong Han

Xi’an Shiyou University

Shiyan Hao

Yanchang Oilfield Co.,Ltd

Yongle Hu


Bingyu Ji


Tongwen Jiang

PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company

Jianfeng Li

Sinopec Management Department of Information Systems

Qinghui Li

PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company

Tiantai Li

Xi’an Shiyou University

Yang Li

Sinopec co., LTD

Xing Liang

PetroChina Zhejiang Oilfield Company

Quanhai Liu

PetroChina Jidong Oilfield Company

Donghong Luo

CNOOC Shenzhen

Fan Min

Southwest Petroleum University

Kuntai Qiu

Sinopec Henan Oilfield Company

Guohong Shi

PetroChina Qinghai oilfield testing company

Jiandong Tang

Sinopec Jiangsu Oilfield Company

Lei Tang

Sinochem Petroleum E&D Co., Ltd

Jianliang Wang

Testing Company,Daqing Drilling Engineering Company

Zuwen Wang

CNPC Changqing Downhole Operation Company

Hongnbiao Wu

PetroChina Exploration & Production Company

Ronghua Xie

PetroChina Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd.

Xianghua Xiong

CNPC Hangzhou Institute of Geology

Yongjie Xu

CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company

Shengjie Yang

CNPC Western Drilling Engineering Company

Zhiqing Zeng

CNPC The Great Wall drilling engineering company testing company

Hongjun Zhang

CNPC Liaohe Oilfield Company

Haiyang Zhao

Northwest Oilfield Company

Lihui Zheng

Lost Circulation Control Division of National Engineering Laboratory of Oil and Gas Drilling Technology

Guojin Zhu

Exploration and Development Branch, CNOOC Research Institutes

Mingjun Cai

CNPC Dagang Oilfield Company

Bingchun Chen

CNPC Jilin Oilfield Company

Fan Dong

CNPC Huabei Oilfield Company

Wenyan Feng

Hainan Fushan Oilfield Exploration and Development Co., Ltd.

Dongsheng Gao

CNOOC(China)Zhanjiang Co.,Ltd

Linzhi Hu

CNPC Yumen Oilfield Company

Xinwen Huang

Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company

Guochao Jing

Sinopec Henan Oilfield Company

Changzhong Li

CNPC Southwest Oilfield Company

Guoxin Li

PetroChina Exploration & Production Company

Qizheng Li

CNOOC Shanghai

Tonggui Li

CNPC Tuha Oilfield Downhole Operation Company

Zhongxing Li

CNPC Changqing Oilfield Company

Jincheng Lin

CNOOC Shanghai

Xinbian Lu

Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Company

Jigang Meng

PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company

Minjun Qin

CNPC Logging

Dong Ren

PetroChina Exploration & Production Company

Jian Sun

Sinopec. Jianghan Oilfield Company

Tianzhi Tang

CNPC Logging Co., Ltd.

Gonghuai Wang

Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company

Shubao Wang

Yanchang Oilfield Co., Ltd.

Chao Wu

Zhongyou Oilfield Services Limited

Bo Xiao

Sinopec Management Department of Info. Systems

Xianbai Xia

CNPC Engineering Technology Company

Jun Xu

CNPC Turpan-Hami Oilfield Company

Yongbiao Yang

PetroChina Liaohe Oilfield Company

Yue Yang

CNPC Yanchang Oilfield Co.,Ltd

Chunming Zhao

CNOOC Tianjin

Tongyi Zhang

Sinopec Engineering Research Institute

Peihua Zhao

PetroChina Coalbed Methane Company

Desheng Zhou

Xi’an Shiyou University

Libin Zhu

CNPC Bohai Drilling Engineering Co.,Ltd


Conduct Committee


Chairman: Tiantai Li

Co-Chairmen: Desheng Zhou  Jingcang Wu

Members:(According to the Phonetic Sequence): Hao Dong  Jiyong Han  Lin Li  Huizhu Sun 

Nan Sun  Qinxue Wang  Zhongxiang Xiao   Tonglu Yuan  Fenwei Zhang


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IFEDC oil and gas experts Forum QQ:239211500