

• Exhibition Opportunities

• Exhibition Schedule

  Exhibition Opportunities


About Beijing
About the Venue


Exhibiting at 2016 IFEDC offers you the opportunity to demonstrate your company’s advanced technologies and expertise, increase your brand awareness and reinforce its recognition in the China and world market. In addition, you will:
• Meet decision makers from China companies leading the way in oil and gas production, reservoir surveillance service and tight and unconventional resources development technology service
• Find new suppliers, users or partners from China
• Magnify your visibility by displaying your products and services in this highly competitive and profitable region
• Have a share in expertise with an international professional audience interested in reservoir monitoring instruments & services as well as computer software
• Introduce new products and services
• Meet face-to-face with existing and Potential customers
• Gather valuable sales leads and customer feedback
• Meet new customers, agents and suppliers and close business deals

Delegates and visitors of 2016 IFEDC are international oil and gas professionals, primarily from China and the other world, including:
• Senior decision makers who seek information about optimizing their operations and services
• Engineering staff and management involved in reservoir monitoring instruments & services and digital field technology services

• Suppliers who provide equipment and business development managers who would look at pursuing reservoir monitoring instruments & services business opportunities


To ensure your participation at the event, and to secure your ideal location, contact: show@hxan.com,or download:Exhibit Prospectus

Space is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Exhibit Services


If you need the following services,we can recommend the official decorator and labor contractor to you.
o furnishings
o installation and dismantling labor
o modular exhibit rentals

o signs and graphics.

Exhibition Schedule


Subject to change.


Thursday, 11 August 2016


Friday, 12 August 2016


Copyright ©2016 HuaXian Academic Networks

HuaXian Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition

IFEDC oil and gas experts Forum QQ:239211500